Monday, March 9, 2020

Another set of Figs from this Years Analogue Challenge

For some more figures painted up for this years Paint challenge
We have a famous captain who only needs one eye to be a badass

 First time I have attempted actually painting an "eye" usually just do a wash and leave it. Couldn't do that on this model. I think it turned out great. Might be because its such a big eye though lol

I have been painting on this group off and on all through the challenge. Finally all finished up! So here we have these Natives from Firelock games.

 All of them grouped up
 Decided not to do any shade on the feathers. Left them very bright.

 Thought about basing them differently from the other blood and plunder guys I have. Ended up just going with the same base as the rest of the guys I have.

 the "leaders" from what I can tell.

Friday, March 6, 2020

See you on the beach

Some D-Day tanks and landing craft. At somepoint I will put on a big D-day battle with all my Flames of war stuff. I am not sure if I have enough of these minis to make it look epic enough yet.

I enjoyed painting these and probably the quickest things I have painted in a while as far as from when I started to when they were completed
Think the commanders that came with the tanks look more like Brits than the US Commanders. Guess they could be either though. I haven't put any decals on them yet for this reason and not sure if I am going to. May just leave them how they are.
Do I need more? More than likely I do...

Now onto the landing craft.

I already had 3 boats painted previously, However I never did paint the infantry for them. Since I was painting these other 3 boats and infantry. Just painted them all together to knock them out.

Always torn on whether I should base tanks on bases or not. So far I have not, and leave them as is for the tabletop. I think I will always question myself on this anytime I paint any vehicle smaller than 28mm