Monday, January 20, 2020

Blood Bowl Star Players

Some more figures that got held up and not posted to the blog for some reason. Below are star players you can get from Games workshop website. Not the forgeworld ones.

 Painted the Ogre same scheme as I did my Human Team. Was going for a Chicago Bears scheme. 

Didnt turn out as great as I wanted him to. Still enjoyed painting him though
Troll I kept kinda similar to the Orc team i painted up. 

Martians and pirates

Some figures I painted a while back that got held in "draft state" for almost a year!
 Picked these guys up for $5 from Miniature market back on a sale. Got some from original kickstarter a while back. They are ok models I wouldnt pay more than $5 for them though
 A little close up on them. I did different color scheme on these guys than my older ones. I think I like the other scheme better but its nice to have squads painted differently for the tabletop.

 Last group of my English figures. Captain included
 Close up of the captain.
Enjoyed painting these guys. Now starting on the French ones I have to paint. 

Friday, January 17, 2020

Few things painted up

Another Christmas Gift I painted up. Was a bit late due to unforeseen circumstances in December. Keeping me from finishing

This is a mixture of several brands. Badger games, Mantic and a 3D printed base
Mariachi Band is from Badger games. 
The barrels came from a Terrain Crate from Mantic. Had got in on the kick starter and never used any of it yet. The base I 3D printed myself. The file is from Printable scenery. 
This is the first model I have painted that I made with my resin printer. Not a big fan of his shirt, but wasn't going to spend anymore time on him. 
He does have some big hands though!

Now that I finally got an entry in the painting challenge. Its fully underway for me. Hopefully I can paint up the 500 points I pledged. 

Thursday, January 9, 2020

3D printed Catan Tiles

Started printing a Catan board for a friend of mine. Below are a couple pics of the painted tiles. Have to say the Prusa I used to print these did a great job. All are printed at .1mm

Painted each tile a different base color. Then moved up to actual details. Overall easy paint job
Little dry brushing on the tree tops to try and break up just the plain green.
Painted each sheep white and then the head black. Will post more once I get farther along on this project.

MOTU Christmas gift!

When I saw this mini, I knew exactly what I was going to do with it. Paint it up and send it to my brother for Christmas. He used to be into He-man back in the day. 
Enjoyed painting this guy up. The green was actually a contrast paint from GW.
Not the best pics. I forgot to take some till I had it all wrapped up. So these were taken once it arrived to my brother. Will have more of MOTU to paint up and show soon